The Dalton Baldwin Art Song Institute
art-song,recital, piano vocal duo, classical music, concert, competition
"The basis of all music is the human voice... The original instrument of man. The voice heard in its purest form--
in recital ---is perhaps one of the most important contributions to musical values in our lives." - -Isaac Stern
Alexander Technique (AT) For Singers
Alexander Technique (AT) is a holistic self-care method, best acquired through in-person lessons with a trained practitioner who can lead a personalized, collaborative process with each student, transmitting AT’s specialized skills of self-awareness, organization, and intention. AT is known for improving posture and physical grace and improves the quality and comfort of everything we do. The benefits of AT include better general functioning, balance, and mobility, and enhanced performance at work, sports—and especially in the performing arts. Joy in Singing encourages everyone in its vocal community to explore AT to learn to sing with the full commitment of body and spirit that can only come when the singer is at one with song and self, without tension or resistance.
Every major performing arts conservatory worldwide requires students to study Alexander
Technique, including The Juilliard School in New York City and The Royal College of Music in
London. For you as a singer, AT is invaluable, helping you to find your own authentic voice and
keep it healthy and vibrant throughout your performance, your career, and your life. Because AT
lessons will improve your breathing, poise, and freedom of expression, you will find yourself
singing, speaking, and acting with greater ease as you incorporate the Technique into the way
you support yourself, move, and vocalize.
Alexander Technique instructor Elizabeth Hurwitt offers the highest-quality, hands-on AT lessons
available at an extremely reasonable per-lesson rate at two locations in mid and lower
Manhattan. She began practicing AT in her twenties as an avocational singer seeking better
breathing, and discovered AT did more for her than she ever expected, changing her approach
to everything she did in everyday life. After more than a decade of leading New York Festival of
Song as its Executive Director, Elizabeth completed her AT journey, undertaking the 3-year,
1600-hour teacher training program required by the American Society for Alexander Technique
for national certification as an AT instructor, and opened her practice, betterATbeing
(www.betterATbeing.com). She loves working with new students and sharing this
transformational, life-enhancing practice in individual, in-person lessons—the best way to learn
Elizabeth Hurwitt, M.AmSAT
Alexander Technique Instructor